We evaluated the audio recordings and photos from our investigation at the Charlemont Inn on July 11, 2010. We found several EVPs for you to listen to, and a photo as well. Leave a comment and let us know what you think. For more information on this case, see the Summary.
Right-click on the audio links to download. For best results, headphones are recommended, and an audio application like Audacity can be used for offline playback. Also note that some of these clips may have been filtered or amplified. If you would prefer to hear them exactly as they were recorded, please let us know.
Audio recordings
The recording in room 23 has underlying voices from what I can tell – however I was not able to successfully filter out the noise to acquire any true Class 1 or 2 EVPs. We have posted one that we were able to extract:
In room 19, when I was originally analyzing the audio, I didn’t think there was much there. After listening to it several times, it too sounded like there were many potential EVPs lying underneath the sounds in the room, as in room 21. Try as I might, I was not able to filter out the background noise sufficiently to post anything that was of a discernible quality. The one posted below suffers from that same fate, however this one is listenable with headphones. When the spirit was asked if they were married, I could hear her response. Again, I was unable to filter it to our satisfaction, but have posted it anyway:
Jen was able to get the photograph below that may have been paranormal in nature – as it may resemble an orb, the prerequisite “orb alert” is hereby posted.

I live in Northampton, MA on the old state grounds AKA the Northampton State Hospital w/underground tunnels etc Feel free to contact me but the Charlemont Inn isn’t that far from me & is closed down but….Sun. March 20, 2011
The historic Charlemont Inn is located in Eastern Berkshire Valley along the Mohawk Trail. It was built in 1787 and has lodged such notables as Mark Twain, Calvin Coolidge and Benedict Arnold. The Inn has the reputation of being haunted by numerous energies according to both owners and work staff. As we entered through the porch, we immediately felt as if we had just walked into a crowded room although the room was empty. The M.A.P.S. Team was fortunate to have the opportunity to investigate rooms 12, 14, 21 and 23. We were informed that rooms 21 and 23 had an abundance of activity. It has been our experience that energies do not always stay within the confines of four walls, so we decided to try our luck in rooms 12 and 14 which were located at the end of a long narrow hallway. The dining room, corridors and public areas were also available to our team. We set up equipment in our designated rooms and only used our EMF and EVP detectors as well as our cameras in the public areas so as not to inconvenience other overnight guests. We cannot say we had any earth shattering experiences throughout the night. Other than the usual draining of batteries,and personal feelings of anxiety one investigator did however leave her EVP recorder on before leaving her room. When she returned to no. 21, the recorder had shut itself off after recording for only fifteen minutes. We all noticed a heavy closed in feeling at the top of the stairs as well as in the hallway in front of room 14. Another team member who was occupying room 23, had drawn the lace curtains in his room. Upon arriving at the parking lot outside, he glanced up to notice that one curtain in his room had been pulled to one side as if someone were trying to gaze out the upstairs window. A few EVP’s were captured, but none that we could prove to be absolutely paranormal. The Charlemont Inn seemed to pull us into a page of a history book. We were delighted to experience this step back in time.