HELD HOSTAGE? Evidence from Vernon, CT

vernon2_6x2We have evaluated most of the photographs and audio recordings for the private home investigation in Vernon, CT on October 24, 2009. We did not find anything of note in the photographs. However, we did come up with a number of interesting EVPs. They are described and posted below for your listening enjoyment. Please leave a comment, especially if you hear something we missed. You can also read the Summary and view the Video here.


During the EVP Q&A Session

      1. Here's That Bird
      2. Stomach

After EVP session

In this audio file, we can hear what sounds like the words “Said To Him,” under the researcher’s voice.
Said to Him

      3. Said to Him (amplified)

      4. Help Me
      5. Growl or Gurgle
      6. Past or Fast
      7. Groan
      8. This Bedroom

For more information on this investigation, you can read the Summary and view the Video here.
