We went to a house in Easton, PA where the residents were trying to confirm the presence of spirits. This is Part Two of the story of how it went down, based on our readings, observations and experiences.
You can read Part 1 here.
We were finally able to talk to Joey – the ghost in the master bedroom. We started asking questions:
What is your name: Joey
(Crystal notes here that she was compelled to write with her left hand)
Why are you here? To protect Jen and Alice.
Are you waiting for something? No
Did you live here? No
Are there any other spirits here? Yes, you met them. Did you forget?
Do you want to leave here? No, must watch over and protect.
Do you want to stay here? I have to stay here.
We then asked “Are you angry?” Unexpectedly, the answer was “at Susan, a.k.a. Wanda.”
A.K.A. Wanda?
We never had a spirit correct another spirit’s name. This was starting to get strange, and I was becoming curious.
The next questions we asked were “ are you happy, sad, lonely?” The answers to all of these were “Not allowed to feel emotions.”
More strangeness. We continued our questions:
What year were you born? 1918
What year did you die? 1967
How did you die? Something fell on top of me
Are you related to Jen? Great, great uncle, on mother’s side
Do you mess with the dog? No – not allowed.
Are you and Mike close? Yes, we work together – guardians.
Are you and Mike related? Yes, cousins.
Why protect Jen and Alice? We were asked to.
We then asked by who — they wouldn’t tell us. Why?
So Joey told us he was not allowed to feel emotions, was a guardian with Michael, wasn’t allowed to tease the dog, and it was serious work. In all of our experiences up to this point, we had never encountered a ghost that spoke like this.
We then went downstairs to talk with Michael.
We moved into the television room on the main floor of the home, and attempted to talk with Michael. When Crystal and I were there earlier, we were unable to hear anyone but the spirit formerly known as Susan. This time, we were able to communicate. And it was quite a communication. Before we even started the EVP session, Michael spoke up.
I’m Michael. Hurry up before it’s too late!
What is your name: Michael. She’s coming. Shhhhhhh…
She can’t hurt you. You don’t know she can’t hurt me. She can.
Do you want to leave here? I’m not allowed to leave.
Do you want to stay here? I have to stay
Are you angry? I cannot be angry. Negative emotion. Must forgive all.
Are you happy? Don’t have time to feel joy. Hurry!
It was pretty obvious that Michael was terrified of Wanda. And I was becoming concerned with what we were hearing.
Are you sad? I can’t be sad!
Are you lonely? No!
Are you hurting right now? NO!
Do you know what year it is? 2009. I know.
This had never happened before either — the spirit knew what year it was. I was really starting to wonder what was going on. Trying to make sense of it, I began thinking to myself that this spirit was so distressed that its senses were incredibly sharp, and was fully aware of its surroundings.
Do you know where you are? Yes
Do you know when you were born? Doesn’t matter. 1812.
And then we asked what year he died. Michael responded with this: 1893, 1981
Michael had past life knowledge.
This was starting to scare me, and Crystal had no idea what thoughts were running through my mind. I didn’t say anything, and we continued with the questions.
Are you related to Jen? Distant relative, mother’s side.
Do you and Joey stick together? We have different assignments.
If Susan goes, will you stay with Joey? Yes, I have to stay to…
What was said next was blocked from Crystal. It seemed we were not allowed to know something, and now Crystal was wondering what was going on. This was the first time she had ever been prevented from hearing a message.
Are you here to protect Jen and Alice? No, not protect, something else.
Are you here to protect Steve? Joey protects the household including Steve, dog.
Can you try and stop Susan? Can’t stop Susan, not allowed to do harm or to persuade.
Are you afraid of Susan? Yes.
Would you like us to make Susan leave? Yes, make her leave.
After we went through the EVP questions, I decided to have a conversation with Michael, and try and get as much information as I could to clarify what I was suspecting. The conversation went like this:
You have memories of your previous two lives? Yes
Do you have memories of your life between lives? Yes but I cannot talk about them.
I thought so. It’s very unusual. I know.
You came back here – you’ve already been through the light, but you came back here and did not incarnate? That’s right.
They sent you? That’s right.
That’s why there are things that you cannot do, why you can’t interfere? Exactly.
Both of you? Yes.
This caught me totally off guard, and I did not know what to ask. Crystal told me that Joey was holding back Wanda’s spirit so we could speak. I continued to ask questions:
You would only be down here if it was something really important. Yes.
Crystal started getting chills. I was turning pale.
I told Michael I understood the importance of what they were doing, at least as far as my limited knowledge would allow. I said I would check with Jen to see what we could do about getting Wanda to leave.
Anything else to tell us? You have an important job to do and you’re doing it.
Were you expecting us? Yes.
For how long? A few months. It wasn’t an accident that she contacted you. We needed her to.
They knew we were coming.
I finished up the conversation with Michael.
This is beyond what I realized…I had an idea that there was more.” It’s really important. I’m assuming we’re going to learn more. I can’t tell you more.
Anything else? Just that you have to keep doing what you’re doing.
Michael and Joey were not spirits that were stuck — they were requested to come down here. Nor was this just about the homeowner — it was also about us. And to this day the enormity of it still has me frightened.
After discussing the danger that Wanda potentially posed, the client agreed to let us help Wanda move on. We managed to guide her into the light, and she was gone.
Jen confirmed it was her great, great uncle on her mother’s side that she had seen as an apparition, exactly as Joey told Crystal during the EVP session. We had no prior knowledge of this.
And to verify that Wanda was gone, we went to talk with Michael one last time. Michael told us that Wanda was gone, and he was now free to do the tasks assigned to him.
About those tasks — what were they?
We never found out.
As of one month later, the client reported that the house is much happier and lighter, and the dog is no longer barking at invisible things. They were quite happy with the results of our investigation and assisting in the moving on of Wanda.
It is common for Saints to be ‘called’ upon (through prayer) to intercede events and for safeguarding. Saint Joseph (Jesus’ adopted father) is the patron saint of homeowners and families, where Saint Michael (archangel) is the protector of “evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls”.
To expand on that comment of later, Saints are doing God’s Will. (well, so aren’t Archangels)
Therefore, when a entity is stead-fast on their position, it’s only because they are rightfully bound by God’s Will, and can not falter! A Heavenly ‘host’ of protection should always be understood as a(n) angel*
One should think it a blessing to be touched by such, just make sure you are cover in case……
*although they DO mask as demons, as only a trained spiritual can sense this..